Colorado Bill of Sale Forms

The Colorado bill of sale forms permit a buyer and seller to conduct a transaction for a motorized vehicle or boat. The form is primarily used to document the transaction and use for registration and titling with the new owner's local DMV office. If the owner of the vehicle decides to allow someone else to sell it on their behalf, they may do so with the power of attorney form (DR 2175).

Boulder County, Colorado Bill of Sale

The Boulder County, Colorado bill of sale form is designated for a selling party of a motor vehicle. The form allows a transaction to be documented in basic terms by stating the amount of the purchase price and the description of the vehicle. The new owner will need to register the vehicle within sixty (60) days at a Boulder County DMV Office. How to Fill-In The following is a description of the blank spaces in a line-by-line format Purchase Price…

Colorado Boat/Trailer Bill of Sale

Use the Colorado boat and trailer bill of sale to transfer the ownership and conduct a sale of a motorized boat including the trailer (if any). The form allows the parties to write a total purchase price with a breakdown of how much the boat, engine, and trailer cost for tax purposes. The new owner has up to thirty (30) days to register the boat after the sale. In the meantime they may carry the dated bill of sale with…

Colorado DMV Bill of Sale

The Colorado statewide bill of sale form is from the Department of Motor Vehicles and is to be used at any county DMV office in the State. The form is primarily used to allow a willing buyer and seller come to an agreement over the sale of a motor vehicle that is located in Colorado. How to Write Begin inputing the following information line-by-line in order to successfully fill-in the form Purchase Price (in Dollars ($)) Vehicle Description Address Year…

Colorado Gun/Firearm Bill of Sale

The Colorado bill of sale form for firearms is to permit a person to authorize the sale of a gun, which can be any type, to another individual. According to the State Statutes, it is not required for a new gun owner to register or seek any type of permitting process. The only requirement for firearms is that if any individual decides to conceal and carry they are required to Apply (See Guide) through the Sheriff’s Department. How to Write Once…

Colorado Vehicle Bill of Sale for Purged Record | Form DR 2116

The Colorado purged record bill of sale, or DR 2116, is for vehicles that have been titled in Colorado, is physically located in the State, and any and all records have been deleted. The owner has the option with the form to; Sell the vehicle Re-establish the ownership document

Douglas County, Colorado Bill of Sale

The Douglas County, Colorado bill of sale allows a person that owns a motor vehicle to legally transfer ownership to someone else in return for payment of US Dollars ($). The owner of the vehicle may choose to elect someone else to handle the transaction through the power of attorney form (DR 2175). The bill of sale, along with any other required forms needed to register a vehicle, should be brought to the Douglas County DMV Office. How to Fill-In This…

El Paso County, Colorado Vehicle Bill of Sale

The El Paso, County Colorado bill of sale form is strictly used for motor vehicles exchanging ownership for trade within the county. The form may be used in addition to other forms to obtain registration and title at the local DMV Office. How to Fill-In Input the following information to complete the form correctly; Date of Sale Time Purchase Price ($) Full Legal Name of Buyer(s) Buyer’s Signature Address of Buyer Vehicle Information Year Make Model Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Lien (if…

Jefferson County, Colorado Bill of Sale

The Jefferson County, Colorado bill of sale is designated for a buyer and seller that have come to an agreement for the purchase of a motor vehicle. The vehicle and all monies associated with the transaction should transferred on the date of sale. The buyer has sixty (60) days to register the new vehicle at a Local Office Location. How to Fill-in The buyer and seller should both fill in the form by inputting the following information; Date of Sale…

Larimer County, Colorado Bill of Sale

The Larimer County, Colorado bill of sale forms allow a seller of a vehicle to legally transfer ownership to another individual or entity in the return of monetary funds. The form should be used for legally documentation and when registering the vehicle at a Larimer County DMV Office. How to Fill-in Make sure to have both parties together and input the following information; Seller’s Name Vehicle Information Year Make Body Style Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Name and Address of Buyer…

Mesa County, Colorado Bill of Sale

The Mesa county bill of sale form is predominantly used for transferring the ownership of a vehicle between a buyer and seller. The form should be filled-in by both parties on the date of the sale along with all monetary related funds and title papers related with the vehicle. Within sixty (60) days the new owner will need to register the vehicle with the Local DMV office How to Fill-In The following shall be entered in order to properly complete the…

Registering a Vehicle After Purchase – After a vehicle or vessel has been sold the new owner has sixty (60) days to register.

Forms Needed to Register

Proof of Insurance – Rule 46
Blank check for payment of taxes and fees
Emissions Test – Check with your county to see if the vehicle needs to be tested. The counties of Boulder, Broomfield, Denver, Douglas, and Jefferson make this a requirement. See Emissions Test Locations
Verified Identification
Title assigned to the new owner. If the vehicle was purchased outide the State, the VIN Verification will be required

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