Getting Started with Angular 1.x Custom Directives – Part I – Introduction

Learn how to create your own Angular.js directive (it’s much easier than you think!)

It’s hard to imagine any kind of interaction with Angular that does not involve directives. Angular directives allow you to super-charge your HTML, or even create your own tags.

While there is certainly a generous helping of built-in Angular directives, you don’t have to be satisfied with what comes in the box. You can create your own Angular directives. Not only that, but the way your directive is invoked, what it does, and how it works is completely up to you. Because of the kind of abstraction Angular provides, you are limited only by your imagination.

In this article, we will learn how to create our own Angular directive. This is a fairly deep topic, with plenty of detailed discussions to jump into, many of which will be covered in upcoming editions of this series. For this article, we will focus on the core syntax needed to create a directive and have it render something in the DOM.

Example # 1A

var myMod = angular . module ( 'widgetApp' , [ ] ) ;

In Example # 1A, we create an angular module named: “widgetApp”, and assign it to the variable “myMod”. The syntax is pretty simple: You call the module method of the angular object, passing it two arguments. The first argument is a string, which is the name by which this module will be known by other modules. What is this means is that if this module is to be considered a dependency by one or more other modules, this string is the name by which those modules will call your new module. The second argument is an array. This array can contain one or more dependencies. If your directive will have no dependencies, you can leave this array empty, but it must be there (i.e., you can’t omit the array).

Example # 1B

var myMod = angular . module ( 'widgetApp' , [ ] ) ; myMod . directive ( 'uiWidget' , function ( ) < return < >; > ) ;

In Example # 1B, we have created a custom directive by calling the angular.module’s “directive” method. The first argument is a string: the directive’s external name; that is, this is the name by which you will refer to your directive in the DOM.

The second argument is a function. This function is where we will do the work required to create the directive. Notice that the function returns an object. While this object is empty in our example, it is required. So, even though we return an empty object, we are ok (but you must return an object).

While this directive effectively does nothing, the syntax is correct and there will be no errors on page load. But since our directive has no actual functionality, we will need to put a bit more effort into this.

Example # 2

JavaScript var myMod = angular . module ( 'widgetApp' , [ ] ) ; myMod . directive ( 'uiWidget' , function ( ) < template : '
This is a Widget

In Example # 2, we have made a small addition to the anonymous function that is passed to the angular.module’s “directive” method: the object that we return now has one property: “template”. This “template” property’s value is a string of HTML that will be injected into the DOM.

This could be considered the bare minimum needed for a directive that actually renders in the DOM: You return an object that has a “template” property. There is still not too much going on here. Our custom “uiWidget” directive simply adds a DIV element to whichever element calls the directive, and the text of that DIV is: “This is a Widget”.


Hey Kevin, isn’t creating a custom Angular directive supposed to be a bit more exciting than this?

While injecting “This is a Widget” into the DOM is not a particularly eventful outcome here, the areas we covered are important. Any custom directive you create in the future will follow this exact same pattern. The are many more properties that can be members of the return object, and there is a tremendous amount of power and flexibility available when creating a directive. But remember: as you learn more about custom directives in Angular, every concept covered in this article will still apply.


In this article we learned the absolute basics about how to create a custom Angular.js directive. Although we barely scratched the surface, we did cover the critical details needed in order to create a directive that actually renders somethign in the DOM. We learned how to create an Anuglar module, and then use that module’s “directive” method to create the directive. We also discussed how the directive is created in a function, and how that function must return an object. That object’s “template” property will contain the HTML that will be rendered in the page.

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[…] the first part of this series: “Getting Started with Angular.js Custom Directives – Part I“, we learned the absolute basics of how to create a custom Angular.js directive. In that […]