Titan training manual download leo costa

Health & Fitness over 40

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 207, Messages: 2483

Group dedicated to men and women over the age of 40 that care about their health and want to take the fitness and nutrition down the right path.

Titan Training anyone?

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United States

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2003/03/10, 11:49 AM

Has anyone ever tried a training program by Leo Costa called Titan Training? His book is very detailed, but basically the program is a 4-day-per-week (MTHF) combination of volume training with compound sets, heavy training with straight sets, and what Leo calls “muscle rounds” to target specific muscle groups using a very specific timed rest/pause technique within the sets. I was considering doing a 12 week cycle (8 weeks of the above followed by 3 weeks of a user-targeted specialization routine, followed by a week off) after recuperating from my 12-week FT mass building program.

Losing body fat is my key objective. I’ve found that frequent cardio sessions work really well for me, so I do incorporate them into my programs (typically I use an elliptical trainer for 60 minutes, 2-3 times per week). But I really enjoy weight training. It is a great stress reliever for me, so it’s also important that I keep my lifting programs fresh and interesting and not just focus on a lot of cardio. I train at 5:30 AM, so motivation is critical, too. The Titan Training program sounds like it would be interesting and a good fit, so I may give it a shot. Plus it leaves my weekends free to recuperate, which I like. Please let me know if you’ve tried it and what kind of results you obtained. Thanks.


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2003/03/17, 01:41 PM

Well, the reviews from other web sites are mixed. Some say it's a quick trip to overtraining. Others say it's a great program, but requires plenty of sleep and flawless nutrition to be effective - but, boy, is it effective. Don't ya just love a challenge?

Well, because my motivation is high and I am currently feeling invincible, I've decided take the plunge. I've created my 12-week plan. My fun begins on April 28th (after my current 12-week FT program is finished). This will be a tough 12 weeks, folks!

Anybody interested in sharing the journey? According to the reviews I've read, it'll be 12 weeks of sheer hell. So who's up for it? Look, I've read your profiles. You folks are my mentors. You overcome obstacles and have unlimited motivation. You're focused, goal-oriented, training (and nutrition) animals - nothing stands in your way!

Just let me know if you want to be "e-partners" for 12 grueling weeks of Titan Training (to "kick the tires" so to speak). And after 12 weeks, we go back to another grueling Free Trainers workout cycle!

Your Humble Protege,


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2003/04/25, 12:56 PM

I’ve rested for two weeks after my FT 12-week mass building program and I’m ready to give Titan Training a try now. I start Monday. I plan on taking a cue from Mutt and posting my workouts (if anybody is interested).

FT 12-week Mass Building Program Results:
Man, did the FT program whoop my ass (both figuratively AND literally). I was really run down and in need of a break. The 2 week rest was just right. All in all, I’m really satisfied with the results. What would I do differently?
(1) More rest! I think getting more than just adequate amounts of sleep would have given me even better results. Of course, that goes with any training program.
(2) Pre-workout meal. I work out at 5:30 AM and usually have my first meal (a protein shake) on the way to work (7-ish). I think a pre workout drink, or just some carbs (banana maybe, or oats) prior to the workout would have boosted my energy, increased my weights, and improved my results. Changing the workout around isn’t a real convenient option for me, unfortunately.

Good news is, all of my lifts improved – and most improvements were pretty dramatic (for me anyway). For example, I remember doing squats with just 1 pair of 45s on the bar. By program end, I was doing 3 plates per side (for reps) with my sights on 4. Rev8, consider yourself warned! And for BB curls, I’m closing in on the Mutt!

(. Dream continues. ) Physically, improvements in my arms and thighs were the most noticeable (once again, to me, anyway). Arm was 17-1/4 in Dec, up to 17-3/4 now. (Puffs chest!) My doctor can now use the adult blood pressure cuff instead of the children’s’. Thighs were 26-1/4. Now 27. (Really puffs chest, but strains lower back this time. Fitness is hell.) The pants have started to get a bit tighter in the seat, though. Hmmm. I’m chalking that up to all the squats and leg work. Yes, it’s easier to blame the exercises than the FEW indiscretions in an otherwise impeccable diet.

Along those lines, I was taking it easy the other day in the gym “recovering” (yes, I know the importance of rest and recovery – I just couldn’t stay away) and decided to do some light squats, but with very strict form and very deep. You know, stretch, test the flexibility, etc. Well, I was nearly touching my (now-bigger) butt to the floor – much lower than I have ever gone (or could go) before. It actually felt very comfortable and I felt very flexible throughout the whole movement. No sacrifices in form, just a really deep, deliberate, slow squat. Two days later, it feels like I’ve done them for the first time – sore in glutes, hams, and quads! Funny how even lifting a lighter weight can be very motivating. Well, I admit it. I’m a squat junkie now. Look what you sick people have done to me.


United States

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2003/04/29, 07:55 AM

Base Training – Lower Body (Straight Sets)

08x225 06x275 05x275 04x295 03x315 SQUATS
10x225 06x255 05x270 05x285 00x000 LEG CURL
11x360 08x450 07x450 07x450 06x450 INCL CALF PRESS

Volume Training – Upper Body (Compound Sets)

15x090 15x100 12x110 00x000 00x000 INCL DB PRESS
13x135 12x135 12x135 00x000 00x000 BENT 45 BB ROWS

15x070 12x080 12x080 12x080 00x000 SEATED DB PRESS
15x000 15x000 15x000 15x000 00x000 INCLINE CRUNCHES

12x040 12x040 12x040 00x000 00x000 HAMMER DB CURLS
12x060 12x060 12x060 00x000 00x000 SKULL CRUSHERS

55 minutes total

United States

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2003/04/29, 08:53 AM

Nice job! 315 for squats? you are my hero. I can just get 245 8 times last time I did it, but then I was focusing on the bench this time around i am going for squats. look out buddy by the end of may I will hit 350 6 times for squats. but keep up the good work!



United States

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2003/04/29, 12:56 PM

Wow - I impressed someone with one of "my" lifts!? That's funny! Thanks Mutt, you're way too kind. You get the Dale Carnegie "winning friends and influencing people" award!

For the record, you do realize that I only did 3. and they weren't my famous "butt touches the floor" squats (only to parallel with 315). At any rate, my goal is to get 4 plates per side (405) for reps (eventually). so look out, yourself.

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2003/04/29, 02:03 PM

Still 3 is something. Do not belittle that accomplishment. That weight is nothing to laugh at.



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2003/04/30, 08:27 AM

Base Training – Upper Body (Straight Sets)

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5
------ ------ ------ ------ ------
08x225 06x225 05x225 04x225 03x225 DEADS
09x140 06x160 05x170 04x180 04x170 FLAT DB PRESS
08x115 06x135 05x155 04x155 00x000 BB MILITARY PRESS

Volume Training – Lower Body (Compound Sets)

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5
------ ------ ------ ------ ------
12x090 10x080 12x070 12x070 00x000 LEG EXTENSIONS
12x080 12x080 10x100 12x090 00x000 LEG CURLS
12x155 12x210 12x210 10x210 00x000 SEATED CALF RAISES

65 minutes total

United States

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2003/04/30, 12:25 PM

08x115 06x135 05x155 04x155 00x000 BB MILITARY PRESS
was that for shouldrs? If so way to go again that is about what I do good job.



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2003/04/30, 12:47 PM

Man Mutt, you sure can motivate. It's sometimes a little depressing watching the gym monsters piling on 45's for military presses (and lifting with good form, too). But, hey, slow and steady will win the race. And I rarely have anyone lift the weight off for me - I figure, if I can't lift it off on my own, then I'm not ready yet. Thanks again.

Oh, okay, sorry about the "puny arms" comment!

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2003/04/30, 12:53 PM

ha ha i thought you were talking about your arms LOL just kidding. that is still a great set. Soon you might give me a run for the money in the arms dept!



United States

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2003/05/01, 07:30 AM

Muscle Rounds – Lower Body and Chest

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4
------------ ----------- ------------ -----------
4x6x630 4x6x630 4x6x540 4x6x450 Leg Press
4x6x165 4x6x180 4x6x195 0x0x000 Leg Curls
4x6x155 4x6x155 4x6x155 4x6x155 Seated Calf Raises
4x6x090 4x6x140 4x6x090 4x6x090 Hammer Press Machine

60 minutes total


United States

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2003/05/01, 11:22 AM

In case anybody is interested, the “muscle rounds” portion of this workout program is really awesome. When I first looked at the program, I thought these would be the “easy” days. HA! Let me explain.

Instead of a traditional “5 sets of 10 reps of 100 pounds” format, for example, you do 4 reps then rest for 10 seconds then repeat that cycle for a total of 6 times (i.e., 4 reps, 10 sec, 4 reps, 10 sec, 4 reps, 10 sec, 4 reps, 10 sec, 4 reps, 10 sec, 4 reps, 10 sec). Then you rest for one minute (sometime a little more depending on the muscle group) and then move on to the next set of the “Muscle Round”. After 3 or 4 sets like that, I was pumped, sore, covered in sweat, and out of breath. After 60 minutes and 4 body parts total (quads, hams, calves, and chest), I was completely dazed and drained.

Now I don’t mean drained like, “ Whew, that was pretty tough. ”. I mean “muscles on fire, sick in the pit of your stomach, completely drenched in sweat, actually feel the blood going through your veins, gotta sit down before you fall down” drained. I have never experienced such an intense workout (in only an hour, to boot). If this is old hat to you hard core types, damn, you should have shared this info a long time ago!

It may seem like sadistic overtraining (an exercise with 4 “muscle rounds” has the equivalent of 96 reps). But the 10-second mini-rest periods really give you a break (a short recovery, and it allows for the build-up of lactic acid to dissipate). Plus you only do 4 exercises (body parts) on muscle round days (2 per week). And you really don’t use heavy weights either (learned that the hard way!). Muscle rounds are the “love/hate” portion of this program for sure.

Just thought I’d share.


United States

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2003/05/02, 07:12 AM

Muscle Rounds – Upper Body

.< SET 1 >. . .< SET 2 >. . .< SET 3 >. . .< SET 4 >.
4 x 6 x 150 . 4 x 6 x 160 . 4 x 6 x 160 . 4 x 6 x 160 ---> BACK - Seated Cable Rows
4 x 6 x 150 . 4 x 6 x 140 . 4 x 6 x 140 . 0 x 0 x 000 ---> TRICEPS - Rope Pulldns
4 x 6 x 050 . 4 x 6 x 050 . 4 x 6 x 060 . 4 x 6 x 050 ---> DELTS - DB Laterals (total)
4 x 6 x 070 . 4 x 6 x 080 . 4 x 6 x 070 . 0 x 0 x 000 ---> BICEPS - BB Preacher Curls

50 minutes total

First week complete. Sore all over. Looking forward to 2 days off!


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2003/05/05, 07:34 AM

Base Training – Lower Body (Straight Sets)

<SET 1> . <SET 2> . <SET 3> . <SET 4> . <SET 5>
09 x 225 . 07 x 275 . 05 x 295 . 04 x 315 . 03 x 325 ---> Squats (Parallel)
09 x 240 . 06 x 270 . 06 x 285 . 05 x 285 . 00 x 000 ---> Ham Tractor
10 x 450 . 10 x 540 . 08 x 540 . 06 x 540 . 05 x 540 ---> Incl Calf Press

Volume Training – Upper Body (Compound Sets)

<SET 1> . <SET 2> . <SET 3> . <SET 4> . <SET 5>
15 x 100 . 15 x 110 . 12 x 120 . 00 x 000 . 00 x 000 ---> Incl DB Press &
15 x 135 . 12 x 145 . 12 x 145 . 00 x 000 . 00 x 000 ---> Bent 45 BB Rows

15 x 080 . 12 x 090 . 10 x 090 . 12 x 080 . 00 x 000 ---> Seated DB Press &
15 x 000 . 15 x 000 . 15 x 000 . 15 x 000 . 00 x 000 ---> Incline Crunches

12 x 080 . 11 x 090 . 12 x 080 . 00 x 000 . 00 x 000 ---> BB Curls &
12 x 060 . 12 x 060 . 12 x 060 . 00 x 000 . 00 x 000 ---> Skull Crushers

60 minutes total

Start of week two. Soreness from last week subsided.

United States

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2003/05/05, 08:58 PM

Hey tsmd
If you dont mind my asking what may be a dumb question. what is the reason/goal for this intense training? just curious for now.


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2003/05/06, 07:58 AM

Base Training – Upper Body (Straight Sets)

<SET 1> . <SET 2> . <SET 3> . <SET 4> . <SET 5>
08 x 235 . 06 x 235 . 05 x 245 . 05 x 245 . 04 x 275 ---> BACK - Deads
08 x 150 . 06 x 160 . 05 x 170 . 04 x 180 . 03 x 180 ---> PECS - Flat DB Press
08 x 125 . 06 x 145 . 05 x 165 . 06 x 145 . 00 x 000 ---> DELTS - BB Military Press

Volume Training – Lower Body (Compound Set)

<SET 1> . <SET 2> . <SET 3> . <SET 4> . <SET 5>
12 x 100 . 12 x 100 . 10 x 100 . 11 x 090 . 00 x 000 ---> QUADS - Leg Ext’s &
13 x 100 . 12 x 100 . 10 x 100 . 10 x 090 . 00 x 000 ---> HAMS - Leg Curls &
12 x 210 . 12 x 210 . 12 x 210 . 10 x 210 . 00 x 000 ---> CALF - Seated Calf Raises

65 minutes total. Must be 55 minutes. Increase rep speed next time.
Needed a lift-off on BB Presses @ 165. Still got 5. Oh well.
Closing in on 100’s for DBs for presses. Woo Hoo.
Overall, good workout. Felt tired afterwards, but “good” tired.


United States

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2003/05/06, 08:20 AM

My goals are:
(1) Lose body fat
(2) Increase muscle mass.
(3) Reduce stress.

There are lots of weight training programs available. I tried FT's program and liked it. After 12 weeks, I wanted to try something else. I was intrigued by this program, so, I thought I'd give it a try. It seemed to deviate from many of the more traditional programs, and I especially like the Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri plan. It leaves my weekends free to spend with the kids and for "honey do's".

Because I have a desk job, I really enjoy lifting first thing in the morning. It reduces my stress levels and gives me that "I can handle anything" attitude at work. This is my most important goal - even with that spare tire! TT has really been a stress reliever so far!

Some folks say I should focus on cardio and forget the lifting (or reduce it significantly) to lose body fat. I have done the "tons of cardio" plan, and although my BF decreases, I found that I lost muscle (yes, I have SOME!) and (more importantly) I didn't get the stress relief that I did with a weight training program. So, I focus on weight training programs at the gym, and get some of my cardio at home chopping wood, cutting grass, walking, etc.

This program is definately the most intense that I have ever undertaken. However, I am keeping a close eye on my nutrition, I'm watching my form closely, stretching a lot, I'm getting 8 hrs of rest per night, I'm actually sleeping better (a more "sound" sleep), taking in tons of water and protein, and feeling good - actually feeling stronger. Bottom line, it seems to be working for me. I'll let you know what I think in 11 more weeks!

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2003/05/06, 08:46 AM

Nice job there you make me feel like I do nothing at the gym LOL keep it up!



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2003/05/07, 07:43 AM

Cardio Only - 60 minutes on elliptical trainer.
Program 8, Incline(s) 15/20, Level(s) 10/12.
Reference cals = 750.

United States

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2003/05/07, 11:55 AM

Sounds like a good program.
How do you get the book?

"Get everthing you want--just make a little change now"


United States

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2003/05/07, 12:34 PM

Amazon.com has it. Search for "Titan Training" by Leo Costa. It's $49. You may want to check a local library first to see if it's what you want. The "look" of the book is very underwhelming - 80 pages total. But I'm starting to really appreciate the content. You know, quality vs. quantity.

Costa and friends have some really neat ideas on (1) volume vs. base training, (2) the "potentials" of different exercises for different body parts, and (3) teh use of "muscle rounds". I'll let you know my final opinion in 11 more weeks! In the meantime, check you mail.


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2003/05/08, 07:03 AM

Muscle Rounds – Lower Body

.< SET 1 >. . < SET 2 >. . .< SET 3 >. . .< SET 4 >.
4 x 6 x 135 . 4 x 6 x 185 . 4 x 6 x 225 . 4 x 6 x 135 ---> QUADS – ATF Squats
4 x 6 x 180 . 4 x 6 x 210 . 4 x 6 x 240 . 0 x 0 x 000 ---> HAMS – Ham Tractor
4 x 6 x 210 . 4 x 6 x 210 . 4 x 6 x 210 . 4 x 6 x 210 ---> CALF – Seated Raise
4 x 6 x 090 . 4 x 6 x 180 . 4 x 6 x 180 . 4 x 6 x 090 ---> PECS – Decline Press

55 minutes total

Awful workout. 10% focus. 10% concentration. 10% effort. The “new car” feel of the new program has worn off. The work is really starting to feel like work. Should have stayed in bed. I was hoping this wouldn't happen so soon into the program.

NOTE: For quads muscle rounds, stick with machines. Squats (ATF or regular) are OK in Base and Volume training, but NOT in muscle rounds. Just too much.


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2003/05/09, 06:56 AM

Muscle Rounds – Upper Body

.< SET 1 >. . < SET 2 >. . .< SET 3 >. . .< SET 4 >.
4 x 6 x 140 . 4 x 6 x 160 . 4 x 6 x 180 . 4 x 6 x 200 ---> BACK – Lat Pull Downs
4 x 6 x 140 . 4 x 6 x 140 . 4 x 6 x 140 . 0 x 0 x 000 ---> TRICEPS - Rope Pulldns
4 x 6 x 025 . 4 x 6 x 030 . 4 x 6 x 030 . 4 x 6 x 025 ---> DELTS - DB Front Raises
4 x 6 x 080 . 4 x 6 x 080 . 4 x 6 x 070 . 0 x 0 x 000 ---> BICEPS - BB Preacher Curls

50 minutes total


United States

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2003/05/12, 07:58 AM

Base Training – Lower Body (Straight Sets)

<SET 1> . <SET 2> . <SET 3> . <SET 4> . <SET 5>
08 x 235 . 06 x 315 . 05 x 365 . 04 x 315 . 03 x 325 ---> QUADS - Squats (Parallel)
12 x 090 . 06 x 110 . 05 x 130 . 04 x 130 . 00 x 000 ---> HAMS - Leg Curls
12 x 495 . 12 x 495 . 12 x 495 . 12 x 495 . 12 x 495 ---> CALF - Standing Raises

Volume Training – Upper Body (Compound Sets)

<SET 1> . <SET 2> . <SET 3> . <SET 4> . <SET 5>
15 x 110 . 15 x 120 . 12 x 130 . 00 x 000 . 00 x 000 ---> PECS - Incl DB Press &
12 x 155 . 12 x 155 . 12 x 155 . 00 x 000 . 00 x 000 ---> BACK - Bent 45 BB Rows

15 x 090 . 12 x 090 . 12 x 090 . 12 x 090 . 00 x 000 ---> DELTS - Seated DB Press &
15 x 000 . 15 x 000 . 15 x 000 . 15 x 000 . 00 x 000 ---> ABS - Incline Crunches

12 x 080 . 12 x 080 . 12 x 080 . 00 x 000 . 00 x 000 ---> BIS - BB Curls &
14 x 060 . 13 x 060 . 12 x 060 . 00 x 000 . 00 x 000 ---> TRIS - Skull Crushers

60 minutes total

Reps too high on calf base training (should be 10/8/6/5/4, not all 12s), but maxed out on machine weight. Can do more weight with seated raises, but takes too much time between sets to unload machine. Which should take priority: (1) heavier weights to achieve lower target reps or (2) precise rest interval between sets as outlined in the program? Maybe change it up every other week.

After squats set, I felt pretty good today. With one eyebrow raised and a half grin on my mouth, I put 405 (8 plates – my long term goal) on the bar just to “feel it”. Managed to eek out an anemic partial rep if you can call it that. A down right ugly rep at best, but I still felt good that I was feeling strong enough to attempt it and that I didn’t talk myself out of trying. This attempt, as awful as it may have looked, actually makes a formal 405 set seem that much closer now.

People often say to leave your ego at the door and do your best lifts for yourself. Don’t base your success on others’ lifts. Boy, I really notice this more than ever at the end of these workouts. By the time I’m hitting bis and tris, I’m so damn exhausted I can hardly lift the bars. I’m sure it’s funny for the others in the gym watching a 270 pound guy covered in sweat curling 80 pounds – especially when guys half my size are curling at least that much. I really don’t mind, though, and I don’t care what others are thinking – just an observation.


United States

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2003/05/13, 11:01 AM

. sorry Mutt, can't hear ya! I'm too busy focusing on 405! LOL

Mutt, I really respect you and admire the motivation you have provided to everyone on this board (including me!). And damn it, there you go again, drawing a line in the sand, daring me to cross it! Ya know, you’re really making it difficult for me to take it easy.


United States

Posts: 538
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2003/05/13, 07:39 AM

Base Training – Upper Body (Straight Sets)

<SET 1> . <SET 2> . <SET 3> . <SET 4> . <SET 5>
08 x 245 . 06 x 245 . 06 x 245 . 05 x 245 . 04 x 275 ---> BACK - Deads
08 x 160 . 06 x 170 . 05 x 170 . 04 x 180 . 03 x 180 ---> PECS - Flat DB Press
08 x 135 . 06 x 145 . 05 x 165 . 06 x 145 . 00 x 000 ---> DELTS - BB Military Press

Volume Training – Lower Body (Compound Set)

<SET 1> . <SET 2> . <SET 3> . <SET 4> . <SET 5>
12 x 100 . 12 x 100 . 12 x 100 . 12 x 100 . 00 x 000 ---> QUADS - Leg Ext’s &
14 x 100 . 12 x 100 . 12 x 100 . 12 x 100 . 00 x 000 ---> HAMS - Leg Curls &
12 x 210 . 12 x 210 . 12 x 210 . 10 x 210 . 00 x 000 ---> CALF - Seated Calf Raises

60 minutes total.

United States

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2003/05/13, 10:29 AM

You know that saying that the "big" guys lift more is not right. What I mean is that at 300lbs I am a big guy but there are much smaller guys lifting a lot more than me. But I can, using a much lighter weight get a more in depth workout than they can. So it is not all about lifting the heavy weight(funny coming from me a iron hound as it were), but I applaud your drive it helps me cause there is now way I am gonna let you beat me in any lift!! lol there is some motivation for ya.

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2003/05/13, 11:23 AM

LOL It works the same for me I have trouble hitting 275 for squats and here ya are the "old Fart" hitting a partial 405. Man that makes me wish legs were today not sunday!


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2003/05/14, 07:10 AM

Cardio Only – 45 minutes on stationary bike
Level 12, 18.6 miles
Reference cals = 802.


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2003/05/14, 01:19 PM

Diet has been slowly going down hill since I started this program. My appetite, however, has gone through the roof. Unfortunately, I’m not eating as “clean” or as regularly as I should. Meals are spaced out way too far. Too many high glycemic carbs. Protein intake has dropped – I just can’t drink another protein shake on my way to work!

I think I know what works, I’m just getting lazy. I’m too tired/lazy to prepare all my meals in advance like “the old days”. I’m throwing together lunches and snacks at the last minute and not putting enough thought into macronutrients. At one point, I was maintaining Excel spreadsheets that broke down 1/4 cups of oatmeal and 1/2 cups of broccoli, 3.5 cans of tuna, 10 oz of chicken breasts, 1.5 tbls of flax oil, 2 cups of spinach, yadda yadda yadda. Now, I check the fridge for what the kids didn’t finish, choke it down, and move on. I know that rest/recovery is very important, but I really have to get my arms around the nutrition thing again – before the pants start getting tight(er).

BAD HABIT: Coping with life stresses by relaxing (or ignoring altogether) sound nutritional standards and goals. Ex. Today, the stress at work really got to me, so I coped by having a bottled iced tea (containing real, honest-to-God sugar) and vending machine cheese crackers. <GASPS from the FT nutrition elite. >

GOAL: Make (and maintain) nutrition as high a priority as work, sleep, and lifting. Get back on track!

(1) 3440 cals/day to start ((270 lbs x 15 cals/lb) – 15%).
(2) 6 meals per day (570 cals/meal).
(3) 65-70 g protein per meal ((270 lbs x 1.5 g/lb)/6 meals) (tuna, chicken, fish, protein powder)
(4) low-glycemic, slow-burning carbs (broccoli, oats, wild rice, green beans, spinach, etc.).
(5) flax oil
(6) 2 gallons of water minimum per day.
(7) Increase nutritional FOCUS a la Mutt, BB1, Carivan, etc.

Old fart = okay. Fat old fart = bad.

United States

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2003/05/14, 01:23 PM

Old. I don't think that 41 is old. <smile>.
. My Mom's much older than that and can still run circles around me :o)
Just lay off the vending machine crud, OK?


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2003/05/14, 01:43 PM 10-4, Jefado <TSMD hangs head in shame>.
. and no offense intended to dear Mom.

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2003/05/14, 01:51 PM Hey silly <smile> No offense taken! tenorsaxmandave

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2003/05/14, 02:14 PM

Yeah, but does SHE feel the same way? I don't want her to run circles around ME -- that could make me dizzy from the high-glycemic junk food buzz I'm enjoying and I may pass out (which incidentally WOULD count toward my target 8+ hours of rest per night).

United States

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2003/05/14, 02:27 PM

We'll see. After she heals from her sugery, I'm going to set her up as a member. She and I are going to become workout partners :o)
She's every bit as lighthearted as I am though. She'd probably be amused <smile>


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2003/05/14, 02:31 PM

My best to her on a speedy recovery. And good luck to you - sounds like you'll have your hands full with a tough workout partner!


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2003/05/15, 07:41 AM

Muscle Rounds – Lower Body

.< SET 1 >. . < SET 2 >. . .< SET 3 >. . .< SET 4 >.
4 x 6 x 450 . 4 x 6 x 450 . 4 x 6 x 500 . 4 x 6 x 540 ---> QUADS – Leg Press
4 x 6 x 225 . 4 x 6 x 255 . 4 x 6 x 255 . 0 x 0 x 000 ---> HAMS – Ham Tractor
4 x 6 x 155 . 4 x 6 x 155 . 4 x 6 x 155 . 4 x 6 x 155 ---> CALF – Seated Raise
4 x 6 x 180 . 4 x 6 x 180 . 4 x 6 x 180 . 4 x 6 x 180 ---> PECS – Decline Press

50 minutes total

Much better workout than last week. Got plenty of sleep last night. Finding groove for lower body muscle rounds. Got workout below 55 minutes. Reduced calf weight and leg press weight for muscle rounds. I think this was a good thing – e.g., for calves, really felt the weight, held the contraction at top, got better stretch at bottom. Same with leg press – really deep reps, limited lock-outs at top, focused on the muscles each rep. Got another freaky case of leg tremors in the shower afterwards, so I’m assuming lower body muscle rounds were a success today.


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2003/05/16, 07:28 AM

Muscle Rounds – Upper Body

.< SET 1 >. . < SET 2 >. . .< SET 3 >. . .< SET 4 >.
4 x 6 x 135 . 4 x 6 x 155 . 4 x 6 x 155 . 4 x 6 x 155 ---> BACK – Bent BB Rows
4 x 6 x 255 . 4 x 6 x 255 . 4 x 6 x 255 . 0 x 0 x 000 ---> TRICEPS – Dip Machine
4 x 6 x 025 . 4 x 6 x 025 . 4 x 6 x 020 . 4 x 6 x 020 ---> DELTS – DB Lateral Raises
4 x 6 x 060 . 4 x 6 x 060 . 4 x 6 x 060 . 0 x 0 x 000 ---> BICEPS - BB Preacher Curls

50 minutes total

Followed yesterday’s example - lowered weights for upper body rounds, too. Good idea. Much better focus and pump. “Feeling” the muscle work, rather than just struggling with the weights. Good pump in upper body – even in my back, which I typically have trouble “feeling”. Body weight is creeping up (274 today), but pants (waist) still feels the same. Hmmmmm.

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2003/05/18, 11:15 AM Cut out those junk foods like we mentioned??
You're doing great <smile> tenorsaxmandave

United States

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2003/05/18, 02:35 PM

It's not like the junk was a staple of the diet, Jefado, but yes, I've been good! It's just those rare occasions when I'm really weak and having a bad day. Thanks for the support!


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2003/05/19, 07:23 AM

Base Training – Lower Body (Straight Sets)

<SET 1> . <SET 2> . <SET 3> . <SET 4> . <SET 5>
08 x 130 . 06 x 130 . 05 x 150 . 04 x 160 . 03 x 170 ---> QUADS – Leg Extensions
08 x 120 . 06 x 130 . 05 x 130 . 04 x 140 . 00 x 000 ---> HAMS - Leg Curls
10 x 540 . 10 x 540 . 10 x 540 . 08 x 540 . 06 x 540 ---> CALF – Incl Calf Press

Volume Training – Upper Body (Compound Sets)

<SET 1> . <SET 2> . <SET 3> . <SET 4> . <SET 5>
15 x 110 . 15 x 120 . 12 x 130 . 00 x 000 . 00 x 000 ---> PECS - Incl DB Press &
12 x 130 . 12 x 140 . 12 x 140 . 00 x 000 . 00 x 000 ---> BACK – Lat Pulldowns

12 x 090 . 12 x 090 . 12 x 090 . 12 x 090 . 00 x 000 ---> DELTS - Seated DB Press &
15 x 000 . 15 x 000 . 15 x 000 . 15 x 000 . 00 x 000 ---> ABS - Incline Crunches

12 x 045 . 12 x 045 . 12 x 045 . 00 x 000 . 00 x 000 ---> BIS – DB Hammer Curls &
12 x 060 . 12 x 060 . 12 x 060 . 00 x 000 . 00 x 000 ---> TRIS - Skull Crushers

60 minutes total


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Joined: 2003/01/23

2003/05/20, 07:13 AM

Base Training – Upper Body (Straight Sets)

<SET 1> . <SET 2> . <SET 3> . <SET 4> . <SET 5>
08 x 180 . 06 x 230 . 05 x 280 . 04 x 330 . 03 x 330 ---> BACK – Mach Rows
08 x 170 . 06 x 170 . 05 x 180 . 04 x 180 . 03 x 180 ---> PECS - Flat DB Press
08 x 135 . 06 x 135 . 05 x 165 . 04 x 165 . 00 x 000 ---> DELTS - BB Military Press

Volume Training – Lower Body (Compound Set)

Skipped Lower Body Compound “Volume” Sets today (crisis at work). Not an exhausting day, but a good upper body workout in a short time. Bummed that I had to cut things short today.

35 minutes total.


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2003/05/21, 07:32 AM

Cardio Only
30 minutes on treadmill - 3.3 mph, 10% incline.
30 minutes on elliptical - Level 12

United States

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2003/05/21, 10:02 AM

You've already done this. You go! :o)
Had a sleepless night BLAH and couldn't even drag myself out of bed to hit the bike for 30 min. Oh well. there's tonight <smile>


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2003/05/21, 11:58 AM

I'm up at 4:30-ish. Gym at 5:25. At work between 7 and 7:30.
But, boy, come 9 PM, I suffer from that medieval disease "Dragon Ass"!

If I waited until the PM to lift or do cardio, I would never do it. I'm not a morning person, mind you, but if I miss my morning routine, my whole day stinks!

Hey, maybe a brisk outdoor walk in the fresh air tonight. That always makes me sleep like a baby!

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2003/05/21, 12:10 PM

:o) yeah..
Guess I was a bit stressed out last night. Appeared that Kev's Meniere's disease might come back "full force" yesterday. But he was feeling better this morning. luckily

Sounds pretty selfish, but I hated that he was unable to do anything but sleep most of the day. Although I try to be as cheerful/positive around him as possible, I was starting to become fairly frustrated with going everywhere by myself and worrying about $$ all the time. and, worst of all, worrrying my head over him.

Might have to try that brisk walk tonight :o)
**getting frustrated just thinking about it all**weary lol*


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2003/05/21, 12:17 PM

Brisk walks (when you're able to take them!) allow you to clear your mind, feel relaxed, get some fresh air (I hope!), AND get a bit of cardio in! Efficiency in life! Woo Hoo!

Sometimes, though, you just have to settle for 15 minutes on the bike at some ungodly hour of the morning or night. The peaks and valleys of life make things more interesting, eh?!

United States

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2003/05/21, 12:28 PM

Ungodly hour? Yeah <smile> Usually on the bike about 4:00 in the morning :o) 'cause I like to be dressed and ready to go before waking Kev up at 5:30. off to work once he's ready.
I just like to be outside. I would carry my desk out and work outside if they'd let me <smile>


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2003/05/22, 07:43 AM

Muscle Rounds – Lower Body

.< SET 1 >. . < SET 2 >. . .< SET 3 >. . .< SET 4 >.
4 x 6 x 630 . 4 x 6 x 630 . 4 x 6 x 540 . 4 x 5 x 540 ---> QUADS – Leg Press
4 x 6 x 255 . 4 x 6 x 270 . 4 x 6 x 255 . 0 x 0 x 000 ---> HAMS – Ham Tractor
4 x 6 x 165 . 4 x 6 x 210 . 4 x 6 x 210 . 4 x 6 x 165 ---> CALF – Seated Raise
4 x 6 x 140 . 4 x 6 x 140 . 4 x 6 x 180 . 4 x 6 x 140 ---> PECS – Incline Press

50 minutes total