800+ Electrical & Electronic Abbreviations with Full Forms. A-Z
Electrical and Electronics Engineering Abbreviations with Full Forms
Below is the list of 800+ short form or abbreviation with full form used in electrical and electronic engineering. All the abreavtion are listed from A to Z and Numerical form in Ascending form. You can press “CTRL + F” and write the short form or paste in search box to go to the exact matching abbreviation with full form.
- Related Post: Electrical and Electronic Engineering Symbols
- A Amperes, amps.
- App Peak-to-peak amperes
- AA Anti-Aliasing
- AAAC All Aluminum Alloy Conductor
- AAC All Aluminum Conductor
- AACSR Aluminum Alloy Conductor Steel Reinforced
- AAF Anti-Aliasing Filter
- ABC Aerial Bundled Conductors or Cables
- AB switch Air Break switch
- AC Alternating current or voltage
- A/C Air Conditioning
- ACAR Aluminum Conductor Alloy Reinforced
- ACB Air Circuit Breaker
- ACCB Air Case Circuit Breaker
- ACDB Alternating Current Distribution Board
- ACSR Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced
- ACVS Air Conditioning & Ventilation System
- ADC Analog to Digital Converter
- AF Audio Frequency or Audible Frequency
- AFC Automated Frequency Control
- AFC Available Fault Current
- AFCB Arc Fault Circuit Breaker
- AFCI Arc Fault Circuit Interrupter
- AFL Amps Full Load
- AFT Automatic Fine Tuning
- AGC Automatic Gain Control
- AGME American Gear Manufacturer’s Association
- AGPS Assisted (or Aided) GPS
- AH Ampere-Hour Capacity of Batteries.
- AHU Air Handling Unit
- AI Analog Input
- AI Artificial Intelligence
- AIC Ampere Interrupting Capacity
- AL Aluminum
- ALCI Appliance Leakage Current Interrupter
- ALTC Automatic Load Tap Changing
- ALU Arithmetic and Logic Unit
- AMOLED Active Matrix Organic Light Emitting Diode
- ANSI American National Standards Institute.
- AO Analog Output
- AoA Angle of Arrival
- AOI Automatic Optical Inspection
- AP Access Point
- APD Avalanche Photo Diode
- APFC Automatic Power Factor Control
- API American Petroleum Institute, Application Program Interface
- ARM Advanced Reduced instruction set computing Machine
- ARMS Arc Flash Reduction Maintenance Switch
- ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
- ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit
- ASK Amplitude Shift Keying
- ASME American Society for Testing and Materials
- ASP Application Service Provider
- ASTA Association of Short-circuit Testing Authorities.
- ATS Automatic Transfer Switch
- ATC Automatic Temperature Control
- ATMega Microcontroller Cip created by Atmel in the megaAVR family
- ATMEL Advanced Technology for Memory and Logic
- AV Audio/video
- AVO-M Ampere-Volt-Ohm Meter
- AVR Automatic Voltage Regulator
- AWA Aluminum Wire Armour
- AWG American Wire Gauge
- B or b Electrical Susceptance
- Bar or bar Pressure in atmospheres.
- BASEEFA British Approvals Service for Electrical Equipment in Flammable Atmospheres
- BBM Break before Make
- BCD Binary Coded Decimal
- BCR Backspace card reader and Barcode reader
- BER Bit Error Rate
- BEV Billion Electron Volts
- BGA Ball Grid Array
- BIL Breakdown insulation level
- BJT Bipolar Junction Transistor
- BLAC Brushless AC
- BLDC Brushless DC
- BLDMBrushless DC Motor
- BOM Bill Of Materials
- BPF Band Pass Filter
- bps Bit per second
- Bps Byte per second
- BSI, BS, CP British Standards Institution, or its publications
- BTS Base Transceiver Station
- BTU British thermal unit
- BW Bandwidth, (difference between upper and lower limits of a band of frequencies)
- C Electrical capacitance, Conduit
- CA Criticality Analysis
- CAAPS Circuit Assembly And Processing System
- CACA Totally enclosed air circuit, air cooled.
- CACW Totally enclosed air circuit, water cooled.
- CAD Computer aided design.
- CAN Controller area network
- CATV Cable Television or Community Antennae Television
- CB Circuit breaker
- CBCU Circuit breaker control unit.
- CBI Complementary Binary, referring to a system of codes
- CBM Certified Ballast Manufacturer
- CBR Constant Bit Rate
- CC Constant Current
- CCCS Current Controlled Current Source
- CCD Charge-Coupled Device
- CCR Central control room
- CCT Circuit (also: CIR, CKT)
- CCTV Closed Circuit Television
- CCU Central control unit
- CD Candela
- CDMA Code Division Multiple Access
- CEGB Central Electricity Generating Board (UK)
- CENELEC European Committee for Electro technical Standardization
- cont. Continuous quantity
- CFL Compact Fluorescent Light or Compact Fluorescent Lamp
- CG Cable Glands
- CIR Circuit (also: CCT, CKT)
- CISC Complex Instruction Set Computer
- CKT Circuit (also: CCT, CIR)
- CLF Current Limiting Fuse
- CMOS Complementary Metal – Oxide Semiconductor
- CMRR Common Mode Rejection Ratio
- CNC Computer Numeric Control
- COG Chip-on-glass
- COR CU Corrugated Copper.
- Cosθ Power factor.
- CPLD Complex Programmable Logic Device
- CPT Control Power Transformer
- CPU Central Processing Unit
- CRO Cathode Ray Oscilloscope
- CRT Cathode Ray Tube
- CSA, csa Cross-Sectional Area
- CSI Current Source Inverter
- CSP Chloro Sulphonated Polyethylene
- CSS Computerized Synchronizing System
- CT Current Transformer
- CU Un-tinned Copper
- CUWB Copper Wire Braid
- CVT Constant Voltage Transformer
- d Day.
- DAC Digital to Analog Converter
- db(A) Measurement unit of sound, Decibels, absolute.
- dBm Unit level for power ratio expressed in decibels (dB) with reference to one mill watt (mW)
- DB Distribution Board
- DC Direct Current or Voltage
- DCDB Direct Current Distribution Board
- DCS Distributed Control System
- DE Drive End of a shaft
- DEMUX Demultiplexer, Single input into multiple outputs
- DFT Discrete Fourier Transform
- DIA Diameter
- DIMM Dual-In-line Memory Module
- DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung means German Institute for Standardization
- DIP Dual-in-Line Package
- DIPS Dual-In-Line Sockets
- DLD Digital Logic Design
- DLL Delay Locked Loop
- DMA Direct Memory Access
- DMM Digital Multimeter
- DMS Data management system
- DMT Definite minimum time
- DNC Do Not Connect
- DO fuse Drop Out Fuse
- DOL Direct-on-line starting of induction motors.
- DOS Disk Operating System
- DP Double Pole or Distribution Panel
- DPDT Double Pole, Double Throw
- DPI Dots Per Inch
- DPIC Double Pole Iron Clad
- DPM Digital panel meter
- DPR Dividing Pulse Relay
- DPST Double Pole, Single Throw
- DRAM Dynamic Random Access Memory
- DRC Design Rule Checking
- DSP Differential Signal Processing
- DTMF Dual Tone Multi-Frequency
- DTL Diode Transistor Logic
- DTSP Discrete Time Signal Processing
- DUT Device Under Test
- DVM Digital Volt Meter
- DWR Divided winding rotor synchronous generator.
- EEarth or ground
- EB Equipment Branch
- EBIC Electron-Beam-Induced Current
- EC Electrical Code or Electrical Contractor or Electronic Commutator
- ECAD Electronic Computer-Aided Design
- ECHA Equipment certified for hazardous areas.
- ECL Emitter coupled logic
- EEC European Economic Community
- EEMVA Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association
- EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
- EF Exhaust Fan
- EFT Electrical fast transient
- EHT Extra High Tension
- EHV Extra high voltage
- EIEMA Electrical Installation Equipment Manufacturer’s Association (UK)
- ELCB Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker
- ELDC Electric Double-Layer Capacitors (supercap)
- ELEV Elevator
- ELV Extra low voltage, less than 51 volts
- EM Emergency
- EMA Ethylene methyl acrylate
- EMC Electromagnetic compatibility
- EMI Electromagnetic interference
- EMF,e.m.f.Electromotive force
- EMLDB Emergency Lighting Distribution Board
- EMR Electro Mechanical Relay
- EMT Electrical Metallic Tubing
- EOCR Electronic Overcurrent Relay
- EOS Electrical Over Stress
- EP Emergency Power
- EPDM Ethylene propylene diene monomer
- EPO Emergency Power Off (Button or Switch)
- EPR Ethylene propylene rubber
- EPROM Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
- ERA Electrical Research Association (UK)
- ERM Electronic restart module
- ESD Emergency shutdown, Electrostatic discharge
- ESL Equivalent Series Inductance
- ESP Electric submersible pump
- ESR Equivalent Series Resistance
- EST Extra Super Tension
- Ex (), Ex ‘ ’ Certification symbol for hazardous area equipment.
- EEx (), EEx ‘ ’ Certification symbol for hazardous area equipment, with European harmonisation of standards.
- EV Electron volt, a unit of energy similar to joules
- EWC Electric Water Cooler
- EWS Engineering work station.
- F, f or Hz Frequency, Fuse, Farad
- FAFire Alarm
- FAA Fire Alarm Annunciator
- FAT Factory acceptance testing
- FBA Factory built assemblies.
- FBT Fly back Transformer
- FCEV Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle
- FCU Feeder control unit.
- FDM Frequency Division Multiplexing
- FDNR Frequency Dependent Negative Resistor
- F and G Fire and Gas
- FEED Front-end engineering and design of a project.
- FET Field Effect Transistor
- FFC Flexible Flat Cable
- FFT Fast Fourier Transform
- FIFO First-In, First-Out (a queue)
- FILO First-In, Last-Out (a stack)
- FLA Full Load Amperes
- Flex Flexible, used for cables.
- FM Frequency Modulation
- FMC Flexible Metal Conduit
- FPGA Field-Programmable Gate Array
- Freq Frequency
- FRLS Fire Resistance Low Smoke
- FSC Final Sub Circuit
- FSM Finite State Machine
- FSK Frequency Shift Keying
- FVC Frequency to Voltage Converter
- G or g Electrical conductance, or ground
- GBW Gain Bandwidth Product
- GCB Gas circuit breaker.
- GCP Generator control panel.
- GFCI Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter
- GFI Ground Fault Interrupter
- GIC Generalized Impedance Converter
- GIS Gas insulated switchgear.
- gm Transconductance
- GND Ground
- GO Gang Operated
- GOR Gas to oil ratio of oil well fluids
- GOS Group Operated Switches
- GPIO General Purpose Input / Output
- GPRS General Packet Radio Service
- GPS Global Positioning System
- GRMC Galvanized Rigid Metal Conduit
- GRP Glass reinforced plastic.
- GSM Global System for Mobile Communications
- GSWA Galvanized steel wire armour
- GSWB Galvanized steel wire braid.
- GTG or GT Gas-turbine generator
- GTO Gate turn off thyristor
- GUI Graphic User Interface
- h or hr Hour.
- HART Highway Addressable Remote Transducer
- HBT Heterojunction bipolar transistor
- HCL Hydrogen chloride, gas or acid
- HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface
- HED Hall Effect Device
- HEMT High-electron-mobility transistor
- HF High frequency
- hFE Large-signal current gain of a BJT
- HMI Human Machine Interface
- HOA Hand-Off-Automatic Switch
- HOFR Heat and oil resisting, flame retardant.
- Hp Horse power, unit of power in fps system
- HPF High Pass Filter
- HRC High rupturing capacity
- HT High Tension
- HTS High-temperature semiconductor
- HUI Human User Interface
- HV High voltage, above 600 volts
- HVAC Heating ventilation and air conditioning
- Hz Frequency in cycles per second, or hertz
- I Current in amperes
- IAC or Iac Alternating current
- IALA International Association of Lighthouse Authorities
- IC Integrated circuit
- ICDB Iron Clad Distribution Board
- ICI Imperial Chemical Industries plc (UK)
- ICSP In Circuit Serial Programming
- ICTP Iron Clad Triple Pole
- IDC, Idc Direct current
- IDMT Inverse definite minimum time
- IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
- IEE Institution of Electrical Engineers of UK
- IEEE Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers of USA
- IF Intermediate Frequency
- IFT Inverse Fourier Transform
- IG Isolated Ground
- IGBT Insulated-gate Bipolar Transistor
- IGFET Insulated Gate Field Effect Transistor
- I/O Input or output signals or quantity
- IOT Internet of Things
- IMO International Maritime Organization
- IMC Intermediate Metal Conduit
- IMCS Integrated motor control system
- IMS Information management system
- inst. Instantaneous quantity
- INT Interlock
- int. Intermittent quantity
- IP Institute of Petroleum (UK) and its publications
- IP Ingress protection code, see IEC60529
- IPMSM Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor
- IRInsulation resistance
- IS Intrinsically safe signal, circuit or equipment
- Is/In, IS/IN Ratio of starting current to running current
- ISO International Standards Organization
- ISP Internet Service Provider
- ITU International Telecommunication Union
- J Energy in joules or newton-meters
- J Current density, amps/mm2
- JB Junction Box
- JFET Junction field effect transistor
- JEDEC Joint Electron Device Engineering Council
- kA Kilo-amperes
- KCL Kirchhoff’s Current Law
- KCMIL Thousand Circular Mils
- KEMA Short circuit testing authority in The Netherlands
- kg Kilogram.
- km Length in kilometers
- kpm Kilometers per hour.
- kV, Ku Kilo-volts.
- kVA Kilo-volt-amperes.
- kVAr Reactive kilo-volt-amperes.
- KVL Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law
- kW Kilowatts.
- KWH Kilo Watt Hour
- L Electrical inductance in henries
- L Line (Phase, Live or Hot) or local control operation
- LA Lightning Arrester
- LAN Local area network
- lbs Weight of a substance in pounds.
- LCD Liquid-crystal display
- LDB Lighting Distribution Board
- LDR Light Dependent Resistor
- LDS Low density foam
- LED Light emitting diode
- LEL Lower explosive limit
- LF Low frequency
- LFMC Liquid Tight Flexible Metal Conduit
- LHS Left-hand side
- Li–ion Lithium Ion, a type of rechargeable battery
- Lloyds Lloyds Register of Shipping (UK)
- LMS Load management system
- LNA Low noise amplifier
- LNG Liquefied natural gas
- loc or (L) Local operation
- LOP Loss of power
- LOPT Line Output Transformer
- LOS Loss of signal
- LPF Low Pass Filter
- LPG Liquefied petroleum gas
- LPS Lightning Protection System
- LRA Locked Rotor Amperes
- LSB Least Significant Bit
- LSDS, LSS Load shedding system
- LSF Low smoke and fumes, applied to cables and wires.
- LSI Large-scale integration
- LSLH Low smoke low halogen
- LSRS, LSR Load sharing system
- LT Low Tension
- LTG Lighting
- LV Low voltage, 50 to 600 volts
- LVDT Linear Variable Differential Transformer
- L1, L2, L3,N Notation for line and neutral voltages and currents.
- LUT Look Up Table
- LUX Level of illumination
- LVDT Linear Variable Differential Transformer
- m Length or dimension in meters, or month
- mA Current in milli-amperes
- MAD Mean Annual Discharge
- man or (M) Manual operation
- mbar Milli-bar
- MB High-pressure mercury, without phosphor coating
- MB Megabyte, a computer date storage unit
- MBB Make-before-break
- MBF High-pressure mercury, with phosphor coating
- MBFR High-pressure mercury, with phosphor coating and internal reflector
- MBI High-pressure discharge with metallic halides
- MBIF High-pressure discharge with metallic halides, with phosphor coating
- MBR Double-ended linear arc tube
- MBTF Combination of MBF lamp and a filament lamp
- MC Metal Clad Cable
- MCB Miniature circuit breaker.
- MCC Motor control center
- MCCB Moulded case circuit breaker
- MCM Multi-Chip Module
- MCP Motor Circuit Protection
- MCR Maximum continuous rating
- MCU Motor control unit
- MCuMicrocontroller
- MDB Main Distribution Board
- MEC Micro Energy Cell
- MEMS Micro ElectroMechanical Systems
- MESFET Metal-Semiconductor Field-Effect-Transistor
- MESG Maximum experimental safe gap
- MF Multiplying Factor
- MFSK Multiple frequency-shift keying
- Mho Unit of electrical admittance
- MI Mineral Insulated
- MIC Minimum ignition current
- MICC Mineral insulated calendar cable
- MIDI Musical Instrument Digital Interface
- MIMIC Mimic display panel
- MISO Master Input Slave Output
- MLDB Main Lighting Distribution Board
- MLO Main Lugs Only
- mm Length or dimension in millimeters
- MMF, mmf Magneto-motive force
- MMI Man–machine interface.
- MMSCF Million standard cubic feet of a gas
- Mole% Molecular weight in %
- MOSFET Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor
- MOSI Master Output Slave Input
- MOV Metal oxide varistor
- MPCB Motor Protection Circuit Breaker
- MPDB Main Power Distribution Board
- MPPT Maximum Power Point Tracking
- MPU Microprocessor
- MS Main Switch
- MSB Most Significant Bit
- MSW Module steelwork
- MT Mica glass tape
- MTBF Mean time between failures
- MTTR Mean time to repair
- MUX Multiplexer, several analog or digital inputs into single output
- MV Medium voltage
- mV Voltage in millivolts
- MVA Mega-volt-amperes
- MVAr Reactive mega-volt-amperes
- MW Megawatts
- N or n Number of items e.g. generators installed
- N or n Number of turns in a winding
- N or n Neutral terminal or line Neutral
- NACE National Association of Corrosion Engineers (USA)
- NBR Nitrile butadiene rubber
- NC, N/C Normally closed switching device, No Connection
- NCT Neutral Current Transformer
- NDE Non-drive end of a shaft.
- NEC National Electric Code (USA)
- NEMA The National Electrical Manufacturer’s Association (USA)
- NER Neutral earth resistor.
- NFPA National Fire Protection Association (USA)
- Ni Nickel metal
- NL Neutral Link, Night Light
- NO, N/O Normally open switching device
- NOx Nitrogen based gas emissions.
- NPR Noise-power ratio
- NPT National pipe threads (USA).
- NRZ Non Return to Zero
- NS Used to describe a type of variable speed AC motor
- NTC Negative Temperature Coefficient
- NTS Not to scale
- NVM Non Volatile Memory
- O Open, off or stop
- OC, O/COvercurrent or open circuit
- OCB Oil circuit breaker
- OCTC On-circuit Tap Changer
- OCV Open Circuit Voltage, the difference in electrical potential when disconnected from a circuit
- OF, O/F Over frequency
- OFAF Forced circulation of internal liquid, forced heat exchanging to external air.
- OFAN Forced circulation of internal liquid, natural heat exchanging to external air.
- OHL, OHLineOverhead line
- Ohms Unit of electrical resistance or impedance
- OIM Offshore installation manager
- OL, O/L Overload
- OLED Organic light-emitting diode
- OLP OverLoad Protection
- OLR OverLoad Relay
- OLTC On-load Tap Changer
- ONAF Naturally circulated internal liquid, forced heat exchanging to external air
- ONAN Naturally circulated internal liquid, natural heat exchanging to external air
- OpAmp Operational Amplifier
- OSC Oscillator
- OSHA Occupational Health and Safety Administration (USA)
- OTA Operational Transconductance Amplifier
- OV, O/V Overvoltage.
- OVP Overvoltage Protector
- P or WActive power, watts, Pole
- p, s Laplace operator in mathematics, for transfer functions
- P & ID Piping and instrument diagram
- PA Public address system
- PAL Programmable Array Logic
- PAM Pulse or pole amplitude modulation
- PB Push Button or Panic Button or Pull Box
- PB, Pb Lead metal
- PBWB Phosphor bronze wire braid
- PBCU, TCU Tinned copper
- PC Programmable controller, Program counter; used in microcontroller
- PCB Printed circuit board
- PCC Point of common connection, Power Control Centre
- PCM Pulse-code modulation
- PDA Personal digital assistant
- PDB Power Distribution Board
- PDM Pulse density modulation
- PDP Power Distribution Panel
- PEC PhotoElectric Cell
- PELV An extra-low voltage system similar to SELV but connected to earth at some point
- PF, pf Power factor
- PFD Phase/frequency detector
- PFM Pulse Frequency Modulation
- PGA Programmable Gain Amplifier
- Ph, ph Phases of an electrical circuit
- PID Proportional, Integral, Derivative. A type of controller used in control systems
- PIR Passive Infrared Sensors
- PIV Peak Inverse Voltage
- pk, peakPeak value of an instantaneous quantity
- PLA Programmable logic array
- PLC Programmable logic controller
- PLCC Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier
- PLL Phase-Locked Loop
- PM Permanent Magnet
- PMIC Power Management Integrated
- pMOS P-channel metal-oxide semiconductor
- PMS Power management system
- PMSM Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor
- PNL Panel
- POL Polyethylene, Point-of-load
- POR Power-on reset
- Pot Potentiometer
- POV Peak Operating Voltage
- PPM Pulse Position Modulation, Parts Per Million
- PRC Parasitic resistance cancellation
- PRV Peak Reverse Voltage
- PSI Pounds per Square Inch
- PSK Phase Shift Keying
- PSR Power-supply rejection
- PSRR Power Supply Rejection Ratio
- PT Potential Transformer
- PTB Physilalish Technische Bundesanstalt
- PTC Positive Temperature Coefficient
- PTP Polyethylene terephthalate
- PTFE Poly tetra fluoro ethylene
- Pu, p.u. Per unit
- PUT Programmable Unijunction Transistor
- PV PhotoVoltaic
- PVC Polyvinyl chloride
- PVDF Polyvinylidene fluoride
- PWD Pulse-width distortion
- PWM Pulse width modulation
- PWR Power
- R or rElectrical resistance
- Rad, rad Angular displacement in radians
- RADAR Radio Detection and Ranging
- RAM Random access memory
- RCBO Residual Current Circuit Breaker with Overload Protection
- RCCB means Residual Current Circuit Breaker
- RCD Residual current device
- RCU Remote control unit
- RDOL Reverse Duty On Line Starter
- Ref. Reference
- rem or (R) Remote operation
- REQ Required
- RF Radio Frequency, describing the rate of oscillation
- RFDS Radio frequency design system
- RFID Radio Frequency Identification
- RGB Red Green Blue
- RGS Rigid Galvanized Steel Conduit
- RHS Right-hand side
- RIO Remote Input Output
- RISC Reduced Instruction Set Computer
- RJ45 Registered Jack 45. An 8 pin Ethernet Jack
- RLA Rated Load Amperes
- RLC Resistance Inductance Capacitance
- RMC Rigid Metal Conduit
- RMG Ring Main Gear
- RMS, rms Root mean square
- RMU Ring main unit
- RNC Rigid Non-Metallic Conduit
- ROM Read only memory
- RPR Reverse Power Relay
- RPS Revolutions per Second
- RPM Revolutions per Minute
- RSC Rigid Steel Conduit
- RTC Real-time clock
- RTD Resistance temperature detector
- RTOS Real Time Operating System
- RTS Remote Test Station
- RTU Remote transmitter unit, Roof Top Unit
- Rx Receiver
- RYB Red, Yellow, Blue (Old Color Codes used for three phase Wiring – UK)
- S Apparent power in volt-amperes
- s or p Laplace operator in mathematics, for transfer functions
- S Slip of a rotating machine with respect to 1.0 pu
- SAW Surface Acoustic Wave
- SB Switch Board
- SBM Single buoy mooring
- SC, S/C Short circuit
- SCADA Supervisory control and data acquisition system
- SCF Standard cubic feet of a gas
- SCIM Squirrel Cage Induction Motor
- SCK Serial Clock
- SCR Silicon Controlled Rectifier
- SCS Silicon Controller Switch
- SCSI Small Computer System Interface
- SDR Single discipline review
- SEB Service End Line Box or Service Electrical Box
- SECT Skin effect current trace heating
- SELV Safety extra-low voltage
- SFU Switch Fuse Unit
- SF6 Sulphur hexafluoride
- SI System International of Unit’s
- SIM Subscriber identity module
- SIO Serial Input and (serial) Output
- SIPO Serial In Parallel Out
- SLDB Secondary Lighting Distribution Board
- SLI Double-ended, linear arc tube
- SMD Surface Mount Device
- SMPS Switch-mode power supply
- SMSB Sub Main Switchboard
- SMT Surface mount technologies
- SNR Signal-to-Noise Ratio
- SoC System on a Chip
- SOIC Small Outline Integrated Circuit
- SOLAS Safety of life at sea, a document relating to marine practice
- SON Diffused ellipsoidal outer bulb, single-ended lamp
- SONAR SOund NAvigation and Ranging
- SON-T Clear tubular outer bulb, single-ended lamp
- SON-TD, – L Clear tubular outer bulb, double-ended lamp
- SON-R SON lamp, with internal reflector
- SOL CU Solid copper
- SOP Small Outline Package
- SOT Small outline transistor
- SOX U-shaped arc tube, single-ended lamp
- Sox Sulphur based gas emissions
- SP Single phase
- SPDT Single Pole Double Throw
- SPI Serial Peripheral Interface
- SPICE Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis
- SPMSM Surface Permanent magnet Synchronous Motor
- SPST Single Pole Single Throw
- SPT Stranded Parallel Thermoplastic
- sq Square, e.g. sq mm is square millimeters
- SR Shift Register, Slew Rate
- SRAM Static Random Access Memory
- SRF Self-resonant frequency
- SRIM Slip Ring Induction Motor
- SRM Switched Reluctance Motor
- SSB Single SideBand
- SSI Small Scale Integration
- SSR Solid State Relay, Synchronization check protection relay
- ST Super Tension, Shunt Trip
- STA Steel Tape Armoure
- STG Steam turbine generator
- STP Shielded Twisted Pair
- STR Statimax Trip Release
- STR CU Stranded copper
- SW Switch, Shortwave, as in the case with shortwave bands
- SWA Steel wire armour
- SWBD Switchboard
- SWG Standard Wire Gauge
- SWGR Switchgear
- SYNC, Sync Synchronizing
- SYM Symmetrical
- SyRM Synchronous Reluctance Motor
- T or t Time, usually in seconds
- TB Terminal Block
- Td Time constant in seconds for the quantity ‘d’
- TC Temperature Coefficient
- TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
- TDRM Time delayed restart relay
- TEFC Totally enclosed fan cooled
- TEL Telephone
- TEM Transverse Electromagnetic (wave)
- temp. Temperature
- TESFC Totally enclosed separate fan cooled, fan attached to an auxiliary motor Shaft
- TF Transfer Function
- T/F Transformer
- TFD Thin Film Detector
- TFT Thin Film Transistor
- TG Turbo-generator, gas or steam
- TGB Telecommunications Grounding Bus bar
- THD Total Harmonic Distortion
- THF Telephone harmonic factor
- TOP Gas-turbine operating temperature (hot-end blade temperature)
- TM Technical measurement system of units
- TMCB Thermal Magnetic Circuit Breaker
- TCP Gas-turbine control panel
- TLX Cold starting tubular fluorescent lamp, with single-pin caps
- TPDT Triple Pole Double Throw
- TPIC Triple Pole Iron Clad
- TPN Three-phase and neutral power supply
- TPPL Total plant peak load
- TPRL Total plant running load
- TPS Triple Pole Switch
- TPST Triple Pole Single Throw
- Tran., Tx Transformer
- TRS Tough Rubber Sheathed
- TTL Transistor-Transistor Logic
- TVS-Diode Transient Voltage Suppression Diode
- Tx Transmitter
- U Voltage, also used for energy
- UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter
- UC, U/C Undercurrent
- UCP Unit control panel
- UDS Uniform Drawing System
- UEL Upper explosive limit
- UF, U/F Under frequency
- UG Under Ground
- UHF Ultra high frequency
- UI, U/I Undercurrent
- UJT Unijunction Transistor
- UL, U/L Under load
- UL Underwriters Laboratory (USA)
- UVLO Under voltage lockout
- UNO Unless noted otherwise
- UPS Uninterruptible power supply unit
- USART Universal Synchronous and Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter
- USB Universal Serial Bus
- UTP Unshielded Twisted Pair
- UV, U/V Under voltage
- V, U Voltage or volts
- VA Volt-amperes
- VAC, Vac Alternating voltage
- VAr, Var Reactive volt-amperes
- VCA Voltage Controlled Amplifier
- VCB Vacuum Circuit Breaker
- VCC Voltage at the common collector
- VCCS Voltage Controlled Current Source
- VCD Variable Capacitance Diode
- VCO Voltage Controlled Oscillator
- VCXO Voltage-Controlled Crystal Oscillator
- VDC, Vdc Direct voltage
- VDE Verband Deutscher Electrechniker (Germany).
- VDI Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (Germany).
- VDU Visual display unit
- VFD Variable Frequency Drive, Vacuum Fluorescent Display
- VFDP Variable Frequency Drive Panel
- VFO Variable-frequency oscillator
- VGA Video Graphics Adapter
- VHF Very high frequency
- VIR Vulcanized Indian Rubber
- VLSI Very Large Scale Integration
- VOM Volt Ohm Meter, a device also known as a millimeter or multitester
- VSD, VSDS Variable speed drive systems
- VSI Voltage source inverter
- VSWR Voltage Standing Wave Ratio
- V.T., VT Voltage transformer
- v/v Comparison by volume, per-unit
- VVVF Variable Voltage Variable Frequency Drive
- W or P Active power, watts
- w orωFrequency in radians per second.
- wdg. Winding of a machine or transformer
- WH Water Heater
- WHRU Waste heat recovery unit
- WLAN Wireless Local Area Network
- WP Weather Proof
- WRIM Wound Rotor Induction Motor
- WRSM Wound Rotor Synchronous Motor
- WSN Wireless Sensor Network
- Z Electrical impedance
- ZH Zero halogen, as used for cables
- ZVC Zero voltage crossing
- ZVS Zero voltage switching
- 1P, SP Single phase
- 3P Three-phase supply
- 3P-N Three-phase and neutral supply
- 3P-N-E Three-phase neutral and earth supply
- 2W Two-wire supply
- 3W Three-wire supply
- 4W Four-wire supply
- 3G Third Generation
- 3R3 3.3 ohm Resistor
- 4K 4,000 pixels
- 4P4T Quad-Pole Quad-Throw
- 4WJ Four-Way Junction
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