FB Group: New Contract Signed

Today we signed our new agreement with Treasury Board. As a result the tentative agreement ratified in mid-December is now in effect. A complete copy of the signed language is available here. A copy of the final printed version of the contract will be posted and distributed as soon as it becomes available.

New Scheduling Rights, Vacation Leave Scheduling

The language that we successfully negotiated concerning shift scheduling now governs all shift workers across the country.


CIU has been in contact with CBSA since December in order to have the back pay calculated in advance of today’s signing. The government has a maximum of 150 days to fully implement all aspects of our new contract, including back pay.


The new joint-committees mandated by the contract concerning arming will now be established. The new selection criteria covered under our agreement shall also apply.

Next Round

Next month, our newly-elected Bargaining Team will be meeting in Ottawa to begin preparing proposals for the coming round of negotiations with Treasury Board. Our Bargaining Team, along with the national leadership of both the PSAC and CIU, are committed to defending our hard-fought collective agreement rights in the coming round of bargaining, and to fighting to achieve new gains for PSAC/CIU members at CBSA.